- 1. 子供の未来を創造し、生きる力を育成する。
- 2. 食と遊びを通じて楽しく学び、成長を促進する。
- 3. 乳幼児期から適切な支援を提供し、健全な成長環境を整える。
- 4. 保護者や大人との協力を通じて子供の育成を支える。

子育ては、喜びとともに課題を抱えるものです。 私たちは、子育て世代に向けて、心の拠り所となる場所を提供し、子育ての楽しみとサポートを提供します。情報交流・相談の場などを提供し、共感と支えのネットワークを築きます。


Learning to live through the power of play
Play is an important learning opportunity for children. We encourage children's creativity through play that involves parents and children. It promotes the development of social skills and thinking skills, and fosters the ability to live.
A happy future with a healthy diet
Food is the basis of health and happiness. We introduce ingredients and foods that are said to be good for the body and provide healthy eating habits closer to home. We convey to everyone from children to adults the importance of a healthy diet and support dietary education activities.
Childcare support that provides a place of emotional support
Raising children brings with them challenges as well as joys. We provide a place for the child-rearing generation to feel safe, and provide them with the joy and support of raising children. We provide a place for information exchange and consultation, and build a network of empathy and support.

[kodomo no mitaizu] Foundation
The Kodomo Miraizu Foundation aims to provide healthy growth and a prosperous future for infants and toddlers through early education support, health checkups and prevention, childcare support, art and emotional stimulation, and developmental support through play. We encourage children to achieve well-balanced growth cognitively, emotionally, and physically, and to become individuals who can actively contribute to the future.